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Latchbook - Part 1

>> Sunday 18 March 2012

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source: ehow.com

Lets stitch carpets!

In earlier blog entry, I did mentioned about Punchneedle and the crave to learn the techniques. Although they look very much alike, Puchneedle and Latchhook are 2 different techniques of stitching carpets, using different tools, yarns and foundations (fabric in Punchneedle and canvas in Latchook). Since 2010, I have been searching for supplies, but ironically I get to know Latchhook  a lot sooner than I have thought, and this is how the story goes.

May 2010, I get to know a new chinese friend while attending a month IT training in Petaling Jaya. We get closer each day for no other reason but discussing about the daily course work. Eventually, I get to know that outside IT, we shared a common loves in loves sewing, especially in crafting. So one day, I asked her:

Me: Have you everheard of Punchneedle before. I am looking for the tools and supplies.
Friend: What is Punchneedle?
Me: Some kind of carpet stitching, I think.
Friend: Oh..I know that. I ll find you the supply

Months later, a fine day, we decided to meet and chat while dining, after the office hour. She offered to walk to a nearby restaurant, close to my office. I was early that day and she was struggling to keep up with the time. Soon, from distance, I saw she was approaching, pacing very quickly, carrying a mysterious huge paper bag.

Friend: This your Punchneedle set. A gift for you.
Me: What! I love you friend. Thanks

We searched a place to be seated, and I cant wait to see my new Punchneedle set. Later, a new surprise as I  opened the bag:

Me: This is not Punchneedle
Friend: But you said is for carpet, so this is it.
Me: The needle looks different
Friend: Really?
Me: So what this is called then?
Friend: I call this carpet
Me: I dont know how to stitch this.
Friend: I'll show you
Me: Great!
   After a month, I get to know the kit is called the Latchhook

Be patient, this Latchhook stitching  journey will be continued in my next entry ;)


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