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DIY Tutorial: Flower arrangment for wedding gifts

>> Wednesday, 13 May 2015


In many culture, gifts are being presented during wedding ceremonies. In our traditional wedding practice, wedding gifts(hantaran) are "culturally mandated" to be presented by both brides and grooms either during the wedding or their engagement ceremonies. Although religious wise, is not a mandatory, the inheritance of this cultural practice are widely executed until now. To learn more about our cultural wedding ceremony, click here.

I had my own wedding about a year ago, and I have presented to now-my-husband, a total of nine gifts - few wearable items, food and cultural items. To make them presentable, I had decorated all of them on my own, using combinations of different types of artificial flowers. Apart from making them looked beautiful, I have ensured that they are earth-friendly, which means


DIY Tutorial: Fabric Curtain Ties

>> Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Sewing curtain ties can be easy and cheap, if we decided to make one. If you still have some leftovers scraps from your last curtain making projects, lets spend sometime to try this on own - making a matching fabric curtain ties. 

The only supply you need to have is a velcro, and of course


DIY: Painted Fabric Flowers, leaves and vase.

>> Saturday, 18 October 2014

Painted fabric Flower, painted leaves and painted vase. Brilliant designer.

This is a DIY of fabric flowers for display. Take any artificial flowers of choice and assemble. Take any fabric, trace and "starch" them. Reassemble the whole pieces and it is ready.


DIY - Two Tone Folded Roses Flowery Bow

>> Friday, 17 October 2014

So you bought a little gift or present for a friend or relative, daughter or a little sister. You have wrapped it nicely, perhaps it is not too expensive but if you can tun it into a presentable present like this, it will look expensive and nice :)

You need two DIYs here: a two-tones folded ribbon and a flowery bow.



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