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2nd Class @ Kelopak Gallery: Dye ribbon and Batik

>> Monday 30 April 2012

Read this in Bahasa

Had mouth-watering nasik ayam at one of my favourite restaurant, then only after 2 hours, stopped by another restaurant and enjoyed some teh ais with pengat ubi. Talking about unhealthy definition of happiness, yes today I am full and unusually happy. (good guess, sleep comes next)

Ribbon Dye and Batik Canting
Last Sunday, we hopped to another interesting chapter at Kelopak Gallery - Ribbon dye and batik canting. Before the class commenced, we had this short graduation ceremony for those who have completed their (48 or so hours) of the A-Z in ribbon embroidering and batik canting coursework. The acknowledgement came with the official certificate, with name engraved. For all the handwork and time spent this far, they must have been  feeling very proud and paid-off.  

Today, another close friend has joined us, and she came all the way from Senawang. Since the day we were in high school, I knew she loves art and is very good at it. So I reminded her few times that this place she is visiting, has more than ribbon embroidering art. Very true, when she first entered the gallery, I saw she stepped in with an aww-ed.

Lesson 1: Batik Canting
I discovered this good web link which visually described the step to step of how batik canting is being delivered traditionally. Fortunately, our teacher has come out with this new and revolutionized technique, using a modern canting pen, while the rest of the traditional canting processes were now, made easy, like the a-b-c.

Traditional canting tool (source: http://batikheaven.wordpress.com)

our canting pen

We started off the day with our canting project. Our teacher handed us all of the supplies, among them are  the canvas and matching wooden frame of size 16x 21" (apprx), 3 sizes of painting brushes, 8 bottles of paints and the modern "canting-pens". I can feel myself like a 10-years old - feel excited like getting a bunch of a brand new toys.

painting brush

We start with sketching a basket with a pencil, then re-draw it using the canting pen, then rest of other details came with free-hand. We are supposed to draw a basket and only a few tiny flowers, but instead, both of us end up drawing a basket with full of flowers - good instructions are fun when are not followed!

my canting frame
We put to a side for a little while to let the "candling" dried off, before we move to a more exciting exercise - the painting process.

half-way painted - trying my best luck!

Lesson 2: Ribbon dye.
Among 3 reasons why ribbon dye is so important.
1. Most of the on-the-shelf ribbons came in plain colors.
2. Dye ribbons are expensively sold and are rare to find.
3. Dye ribbon gives special effects; we have more options in delivering our creativity right!

The whole process is quite simple, and dyed- ribbon dried very fast.

drying the dyed-ribbon

For our next class, we shall start with the actual ribbon embroidering process, but this time using our own home-made dye ribbons and on our canting-ed canvas.


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